Pre-Insulated Pipe Production Line manufacturer Huashida,provides monthly benefits to employees

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Pre-Insulated Pipe Production Line manufacturer Huashida,provides monthly benefits to employees
07 11, 2024

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In addition to holiday benefits, Qingdao Huashida also has a monthly benefit: distributing towels and laundry detergent, which may not be very valuable but can be heartwarming.

This monthly benefit started in the early stages of Huashida's factory construction. Considering the special working environment in the workshop, work clothes are often contaminated by oil and ash stains, which are prone to getting dirty. Huashida decided to distribute laundry detergent to them every month and regularly clean their work clothes.


The significance of Huashida's monthly welfare program is not only material support, but also the transmission of corporate culture. Although towels and laundry detergent are not high priced goods, this simple and thoughtful benefit represents Huashida's care and respect for its employees, recognition and gratitude for their hard work, and reflects full warmth and care.


At Huashida, care is not only limited to monthly benefits, but also runs through all aspects of the enterprise. From small things, it reflects the care and support for employees. In the process of care, the company and employees grow together.

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