Huashida team's business trip to Pre-Insulated Pipe Production Line in Russia and Kazakhstan

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Huashida team's business trip to Pre-Insulated Pipe Production Line in Russia and Kazakhstan
07 11, 2024

Huashida team's business trip to Pre-Insulated Pipe Production Line in Russia and Kazakhstan

Huang Baodong, Chairman of Huashida, and his team went on a business trip to Russia and Kazakhstan. Along the way, they met several old customers and were warmly received by them. This business trip is not only a business trip, but also a witness to friendship. Huashida has always adhered to the business philosophy of "creating value for customers, not only promoting products, but also sincerely helping others". During this trip, we received the most authentic feedback.

Russian Jema has always been a loyal customer of Huashida, and every time we arrive in Russia, we always receive his warm hospitality. As soon as the Huashida team arrived in Russia, they were invited by Jima. Jima led Mr. Huang and his team to visit the Kremlin and Moscow Red Square, experiencing Russia's history and culture.


Upon arriving in Kazakhstan, Mr. Huang met several friendly customers again. Kazakhstan customer Abai and Huashida have a ten-year friendship. Huashida and his team arrived in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Abai waited for pick-up at the airport early. Ten years ago, Abai purchased Huashida's 3PE anti-corrosion production linePre-Insulated Pipe Production Lineand also visited Huashida several times for learning. Abai heard that Mr. Huang from Huashida is going to Almaty to participate in the exhibition this time. He warmly received and invited the Huashida team to have dinner together.

The next day, Abai Company arranged for Huashida and his team to climb Tianshan together. The Tianshan Mountains are located in the hinterland of the Eurasian continent, spanning four countries: China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. With a total length of over 2500 kilometers, the beautiful snow capped peaks, forest meadows, waterfalls, and rivers are all stunning.

Another Kazakhstani customer of Huashida, Ebat, took the initiative to help us arrange the exhibition together after learning that Huashida was going to participate.

Huashida's overseas travel experience was warmly received and helped by customers, which also confirms Huashida's business philosophy of "creating value for customers, not promoting products for profit, but sincerely helping others". At this moment, we complete the closed loop, help others with our heart, and ultimately gain true feelings and friendship.

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