Huashida pipeline equipment is recognized in Central Asian countries

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Huashida pipeline equipment is recognized in Central Asian countries
07 11, 2024

Recently, the technical service team of Qingdao Huashida Machinery Co., LTD., led by Chairman and General manager Huang Baodong, lasted for more than half a month and successively went to Russia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to visit old friends with long-term cooperation to solicit opinions and carry out technical services for pipeline equipment. For customers who have the intention to cooperate, further carry out technical exchanges and improve service details; And through participating in the plastic and rubber exhibition, meet new friends, continue to expand the brand influence of Huashida and to achieve gratifying results.


Russia has always been the export destination country of Huashida pipeline equipment, so this trip, Russia was listed as the first direction, Huang Baodong and his party visited the old customers one by one, to see the operation of the equipment, solve practical problems on the spot, ask for their opinions and suggestions, and plan the next step of cooperation.

Uzbekistan is an important direction for Huashida's future development. It has been confirmed that 3PE steel pipe anticorrosive equipment production base will be established in Sirdaryo Region, and the work of visiting government departments, expropriating land, and establishing a company in advance has been carried out in order. This time, Huang Baodong and his party further reached an agreement to deepen cooperation with the country's heating pipe network company.

Kazakhstan not only has a large number of old customers with close cooperation. Just as before the exhibition, Abyt, a trading company in Almaty, and Abai, who have purchased Huashida's six 3PE steel pipe corrosion protection equipment, provided a lot of help to carry out activities.

At the exhibition, due to the extensive influence of Huashida's brand in the local area, customers often flowed in front of the booth, asking for information, discussing technology, exchanging information, negotiating cooperation, making many new friends, and implementing a number of procurement projects, and the exhibition work achieved a complete success.

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